Friday, March 18, 2011

Field of Dreams

Good morning,

Happy it’s-almost-Spring Friday! Earlier this week during a Yes! Network seminar, motivational speaker Niurka made the point that ‘Whatever you feed grows. Whatever you starve dies.’ So, this Spring as we’re nourishing our lawns and gardens, let’s also…

Nourish our dreams.

Attention is the life blood of dreams. As we go through each day paying bills, raising children and chasing seemingly endless tasks, the easiest thing in the world is to stop paying attention to our dreams. Yet once we neglect them by directing our energies elsewhere, they begin to fade. Sure, a dream doesn’t require 24 hour a day care, but if starved too long for attention, it can wither and die.

So here’s to hoping your dreams flourish - and you have a sunny day!


P.S. "People need dreams, there's as much nourishment in 'em as food."
Dorothy Gilman

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Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

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