Friday, January 28, 2011

Cutting Edge

Good Morning,

Aren’t Fridays grand! I don’t know about you, but for me this week has been all about learning new software. Powerful programs that will help our business do wonderful things…but only if we know how to use them.

Some people’s tools includes knives that can be sharpened, other people’s include computer programs that can be learned. Whatever you use, today’s note is a red-alert to:

Sharpen your tools.

It’s the only way to be cutting edge. I recently heard productivity expert and best-selling author Laura Stack tell a related story about her grandfather who made a living for his family chopping wood. They were paid by the amount they chopped and his team always earned more team than the other teams. Their secret? Every day they took 20 minutes for lunch. But while they were taking lunch, they were actually sharpening their tools.

Sadly, Laura reported that most of us only employ abut 20% of the capabilities of our computer programs because we haven’t learned how to use them.

Let’s brush up – and have a sunny day!

P.S. Did you can save an Outlook email into a regular folder on your computer, just by selecting Save As and choosing *.msg as the file type. Then you can open the message, with its attachments, anytime in the future simply by double-clicking on it. Thanks for the tip Laura! You can read my review of Laura's entire seminar by visiting this link.

P.P.S. Thank you for sharing Sunny Notes with others. New readers can
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Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tackle It

Good morning,

Happy Friday! What's on today's to-do list? Chances are there's something on the list that keeps getting put off because it's difficult, distasteful or we just don't know where to start. It happens to me, too. The solution?

Do the difficult task FIRST.

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to hear internationally acclaimed speaker Desi Williamson encourage us to challenge our fears. "Whatever it is that you fear most, do it first!" says Desi. "The best remedy for fear is massive action."

To help us overcome our fears, Desi suggests asking ourselves six little questions about the goal we desire to achieve. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? "Whenever you're faced with a challenge or opportunity, the answers to these questions will provide you with the blueprint for action, results and the adjustments you need to make to move forward."

Let's tackle that daunting task - and have a sunny day!


P.S. "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." Dale Carnegie

P.P.S. Thank you for sharing Sunny Notes with others. New readers can
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Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Too Obvious

Good morning,

Hurray for Friday! Remember the days of taking multiple choice tests in school and avoiding the obvious answers because you knew they were there just to mislead you? Life is like that. The obvious answer is frequently not the correct one.

“Never assume the obvious is true.”

These are wise words from William Safire, because we’re all at risk of making erroneous assumptions, especially about other people. Today’s note is a simple reminder to look closer, investigate further and make sure we understand the situation or the person before drawing conclusions.

Watch out for “multiple choice” moments - and have a sunny day!


P.S. “Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.” Marshall McLuhan

P.P.S. Thank you for sharing Sunny Notes with others. New readers can
Visit This Link to add an email address to receive Sunny Notes directly from me by email each Friday.

Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just Because

Good morning,

Happy Friday! Some things in life are worth doing just because they’re the right thing to do. The world is full of crossroads where commercial interests and human concerns seem to point in different directions. Today’s sunny note is simply a reminder to take the high road.

Do the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do.

Not every action needs an obvious “return on investment.” It’s inevitable that some of the things we do for the people in our lives will go unnoticed or even unappreciated. Yet we do them anyway. Not for pats on the back or commercial rewards, but simply because we care.

In fact, caring turns out to be its own reward, making each of us happier at the end of the road.

Drive safely – and have a sunny day!


P.S. In response to last week’s Sunny Note, Cheri Young sent in a great suggestion that I asked her permission to share with you today. Here is Cheri’s recommended alternative to "resolutions." Thanks Cheri!

>>>I find that most resolutions are good for about 3-4 days, after that we are crabby and discouraged. I make a list called "less and more." This way I can celebrate improvement and failure never happens unless I quit trying.

Instead of the usual, I want to lose XX pounds. How about:

I want to eat more real fruit and less refined sugars.
I want to eat more lean protein and fewer fast food hamburgers
Supporting actions:
• Change purchases at grocery store, we tend to eat what is at hand.
• Eat Grilled chicken salads instead of fried foods at restaurants.

I want to spend less time on routine cooking.
I want to spend more time entertaining.
Supporting actions:
• Double the recipe on "routine" foods and store/freeze for another day.
• Pick one weekend a month and invite friends for dinner and cards. (Friends bring the wine and fruit-based dessert.)

I want to save more money.
Supporting actions:
• Increase your retirement savings by one percent and eat out less often.
• Throw change in a cookie jar for the next vacation instead of using your credit card.
• Invite friends to dinner and cards instead of going out, put saved dollars in cookie jar.

As you can see, some actions have multiple results! This is way more fun and successful than promising to lose 10 pounds. Best Regards, Cheri

P.P.S. Thank you for sharing Sunny Notes with others. New readers can
Visit This Link to add an email address to receive Sunny Notes directly from me by email each Friday.

Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.