Friday, July 29, 2011

Water Works

Good morning,

Happy Friday! Today I’m thinking about water and not just the kind my lawn needs after all the hot weather. It’s on my mind because of a fun little article I read on the CBS Business Network site last night and I loved this piece of advice.

“Be like water - it will find its way no matter how big an obstacle is placed in front of it.”

The article is a brief summary of “best business advice” tips and you can ready the whole thing here:

Let no obstacle block the way – and have a sunny day!


“Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan

P.P.S. To receive Sunny Notes each Friday morning in your email, simply Visit This Link to sign up.

Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Good morning,

It's Friday! Earlier this week I was talking with a friend of mine who is job hunting. He was telling me he'd found a posting for the perfect position for him. Then he added, but they probably won't think I'm qualified. Have you ever done this? Let self-doubt talk you out of something before you even start?

Believe in yourself!

Many of us are our own harshest critic when we need to be our own biggest cheerleader and encourager. Confidence is believing in yourself and then acting accordingly, without waiting around for someone else to say "you can do it."

The best part is that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, the more you believe, the more you can achieve.

Let's go for it - and have a sunny day!

P.S. "The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you. Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

P.P.S. To receive Sunny Notes each Friday morning in your email, simply
Visit This Link to sign up.

Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Modern History

Good morning,

Happy Friday! Have you Googled yourself lately? Sure it sounds like bad behavior but it's actually good business. These days we're all being Googled for one reason or another and it's wise to know what people see when they search for us.

History matters.

In addition to monitoring our own history online, we can make more responsible decisions about hiring individuals or businesses by researching their history. If this sounds like common sense that's because it is, but the trick is consistently remembering to do it.

Happy Googling - and have a sunny day!


P.S. "Knowledge is power." Francis Bacon

P.P.S. To receive Sunny Notes each Friday morning in your email, simply
Visit This Link to sign up.

Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Good morning,

It’s Friday! I hope you had a nice week and a happy Independence Day. How wonderful it is to be free as a country and free as individuals to stand up for our own principles, beliefs and values. This morning I’m reflecting on our freedom to:

Think freely.

Each of us has the opportunity, and perhaps the obligation, to form our own opinions and forge our own path. Other people may try to tell us what to do and even how to think, but we are free to make our own decisions.

Let’s be independent – and have a sunny day!


P.S. "Independence – is loyalty to one’s best self and principles, and this is often disloyalty to the general idols and fetishes.” Mark Twain

P.P.S. To receive Sunny Notes each Friday morning in your email, simply
Visit This Link to sign up.

Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Good morning,

Happy Friday! There are many attributes that contribute to a person's success. But one that doesn't get talked about as much as more glamorous attributes like talent is endurance. In other words, the sheer tenacity to:

See it through.

In the words of James Arthur Baldwin, “Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck -- but, most of all, endurance." A little bit of talent can go a long way if it's backed by a sufficient amount of endurance.

Let's be strong - and have a sunny day!


P.S. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas Alva Edison

P.P.S. Please help spread the sunshine. New readers can
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Clarity Patton Newhouse
Sunny Media Group, Inc.